Can anyone give me a code to make my about me smaller? In width, I mean... it's too wide!
and... I've used codes to hide bottom links, but they leave some weird lines at the bottom
Myspace codes? hide bottom links and make about me area smaller? you can generate your own codes
Myspace codes? hide bottom links and make about me area smaller?
Hiding Things
on myspace
Myspace codes? hide bottom links and make about me area smaller?
a.text, table div font a, table div div {visibility:hidden;}
table table div font a, table table div div {visibility:visible;}
img {border:0px;}
table tr td div font {display: none;}
%26lt;style%26gt;.contactTable {display:none;}
table table td img {display:none;}
table table table td img {display:inline;}
table td td {width:0px;}
table {width:450px;}
table table {width:auto;}
table table td {padding:3px;}
table table table td {padding:0px;}
table table table {width:220px !important; height:0px;}
td.text td a img {width:auto !important;}
table table table table table,
table table table table table td {
width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}
td.text a img {width:100px !important;}
td.text td.text a img {width:35px !important;}
td td td div strong {width:170px !important; display:block;}
embed, object {display:block; width:220px; height:38px;}
.orangetext15, .blacktext10 {
display:block; width:110px; font-size:6pt !important;}
td.text td.text .orangetext15,
td.text td.text table table div {display:none;}%26lt;/style%26gt;
if these codes dont work, try searching some other ones on, just click on myspace scripts and look through them, there are multiple ones.
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